If you haven’t heard, the NRA sued it’s PR firm – which is most likely part of an internal struggle between factions. Taking advantage of the situation, Everytown sent a notice to the IRS to look into the NRA’s non-profit status.

John Richardson has been doing yeoman’s work reporting on what’s been happening. You should be reading him daily anyways.

For what it’s worth, I think the Ack-Mack deal has been poisonous to the NRA for at least the last fifteen years or so. Under its influence, the NRA has gone hard to the right in non-RKBA issues in order to satisfy what Ack-Mack considered the “core constituency.”

Yeah, that’s a great plan. Except for the small fact that it alienated large swaths of new gun owners and potential new gun voters. The ones who aren’t Republicans or conservative. People who would work for gun rights, but don’t want to support an organization that turns around and advocates against other positions that they hold dear.

The kinds of people that could help make the Second Amendment dangerous for either party to play with.

I would hate to see the NRA go down in flames. I hope responsible adults among the Board of Directors are able to save the organization. I also hope this episode forces the NRA to get back to focusing on its core mission with a big-tent perspective.