Category: Friday Quote

Friday Quote- Stan Lee

If I got a superpower I wouldn’t say, oh, I got to get a costume and put on a mask. I would say hey, I can do something better than other people. How can I turn it into a buck?

RIP Mr. Lee and thanks for all the fun.

Friday Quote – Roman van Ree

Don’t be fooled by the words “socialism” and “communism”. Once you come to understand what they mean in terms of economic freedom you will know that they are anything but social, and have nothing to do with community. They simply mean “centralization of power in the hands of the people that make up the state, in the hands of the master class.

They are nothing but euphemisms for “slavery”.

Friday Quote- Jonathan Haidt

There are people who are less emotional and more reasoned. They’re called libertarians.

Not sure if I have the quote exactly right. I heard this on a recent Science Salon podcast. Damn near had an accident due to sudden burst of laughter.

Friday Quote – Jared Howe

Anything which requires the labor or property of other people is not a basic human right. That includes education, healthcare, food, internet access, housing, or anything else that involves an investment of capital and labor. To demand free goods and services from people who sacrifice time and capital to produce them is to demand that those people become your slaves. You don’t have the right to enslave people for food or education or healthcare anymore than plantation owners had a right to enslave people to pick cotton.