True life never fails to bring the big stories. In this installment, an exotic animal keeper in Oklahoma was arrested in a murder-for-hire plot. Although not identified by police, the CEO of Big Cat Rescue, Carol Baskin, is saying she’s the target. On the Book of Face, Ms. Baskin sheds some light on why she was a target.

Maldonado ran, in our view, one of the most notorious cub petting roadside zoos in the country in Wynnewood, OK. Years ago he also operated a traveling exhibit that would bring cubs to malls throughout the Midwest and Southwest. When Big Cat Rescue educated the malls about the miserable life this created for the cubs and the malls started cancelling Maldonado’s traveling exhibit, Maldonado retaliated by renaming his traveling show “Big Cat Rescue Entertainment” in order to confuse the public into thinking the show was operated by Big Cat Rescue. In 2011 Big Cat Rescue sued for violations of its intellectual property rights and in 2013 was granted a consent judgment for over $1 million. Litigation to collect on the judgment has been ongoing since then in Oklahoma.

Yes, Big Cat Rescue gets some money from me in an annual contribution. I like the work they do, and I hate that they have to deal with shit like this.

If you’re coming to Tampa and have some time when they’re open, I recommend taking the tour. Or just check out their YouTube channel.