When I started smoking meat, I had a big tub full of charcoal. I left that with my old grill back in Tampa when I moved down to Parrish. When we moved into Ward Manor, I bought a new tub and proceeded to fill it up. Part of it was the belief that if I had a full “coal bunker” I could always have fire to cook and/or heat the house if we had a significant disruption.

I think the damage started with Ian. Sometime over the past few months, the tub warped, and the coal was soaked. As in crumbling from water impregnation. I thought it was just the top layer. Nope. The Wife, MIL, and I methodically parceled out the ruined charcoal into reasonable weight trash bags. Garbage day is going to be oh-so-fun.

Anyways, we bought a couple of new deck boxes for outside. I’m not going to go as hog wild with the charcoal. Probably try to keep it to a couple of bags.