Last weekend we had a belated birthday party for The Brother, Shootin’ Buddy, and another family friend who share birthdays very close together. Since The Wife and I don’t get to catch up with Family Friend much, this was a good chance to share what was going on in our lives. There was a wide ranging discussion on the state of our lives, new jobs, the annoyance of HOAs, the state of our county governments.

This was also the day The Wife and I got to meet the newest member of the Ward Extended Universe family. Shootin’ Buddy and his partner welcomed their new daughter at the end of March. This was the first time we got to meet the little one. She was a sweet infant with very spiky hair. Until I come up with a better moniker, I think I will dub her “Eighties Baby”.

Dinner was cut semi-short because The Wife and I were informed we needed to take SIL to the Tampa airport at oh-dark-early because BIL was ill.

It was a nice way to spend a Saturday.