Month: September 2017


Sunday was consumed with moving my brother out to the other side of the state to start a new job. Due to extenuating circumstances, the plan is for him to stay in a borrowed RV during the week and come back to Tampa on the weekend.

Lessons to take away:

  1. Having a soda erupt in the lap is bad enough. Having to drive around with slightly sticky jeans for eight or nine hours just makes everything worse.

  2. Running GPS while connected to a Bluetooth speaker and a watch takes more power than my iPhone 6 draws from the car outlet.

  3. Revolutions is a great podcast to just leave on for a long drive. And I don’t understand those who talk about the “romanticism” of the French Revolution. That was just a bloody, ball of crazy on all sides.

  4. I really miss my truck when I have to drive someone else’s vehicle for a semi-long trip.

  5. Anytime I think of just buying an RV and living out of an RV to simplify my life, I remember I hate driving vehicles bigger than my Xterra.

  6. It’s a very good thing that Honda Civics get very good gas mileage. Particularly when your brother accidentally leaves his idling the entire time you go out for Chinese buffet. Side note – we found his keys!

  7. Even after all the memes, it’s still kind of amazing how inventively a soldier can crash a humvee with trailer. Even more amusing when it’s the MPs who crashed their humvee.

  8. I’m very glad to be back in my home – even if the cats are already driving me insane.

Long Live the Trackball!

And in the seemingly endless list of things to add to my “want” list comes the Logitech MX Ergo.

I’m a big fan of thumb trackballs. I started with them when I was at college because I fucking hated the trackpad on my laptop, and there was rarely enough space for a regular mouse to move around. My brother suggested trying a trackball, and I never looked back.

Both of my home computers use them. Heck, I have a ten-year-old one at work that I’m hoping will not die on me because getting a new one through our IT would be a pain. Plus there’s the slight humor factor of when my coworkers have to use my computer for some reason.

When my brother and I were setting up my computers after Irma, I’d thought we lost one of the Bluetooth nubs to one of the trackballs. I was busily figuring out how to fit an MX Ergo into my recovery budget before we found the nub still in place on my tower.

Right now, I can’t justify the $100. Maybe when one of my current trackballs die, or if I get a significant bonus from work. Until then, I will just salivate.

What Can I Bring on a Plane, Again?

My boss has decided to take another position, and today is her last day. That’s a shame, because I just got her trained on how to deal with me. Oh well, change happens – and more frequently than I’d like.

Her departure means I get to go to a conference in Vegas this spring. That’s a bit too far for me to drive without taking leave, which means I have to fly. That’s something I haven’t done in eight years or so. This will require a close examination of my EDC.

Time to go look up rules again.

Irma T Plus 4 Hours

My brother’s place came through just fine. We didn’t even lose power. My house came through intact. Lost the fences, some branches and a gutter. Power was still going strong.

Now comes the fun of moving back. The cats in particular are going to be fun – especially now that they know what the crates are for. And then there’s setting back up my office.

Overall, my family came off much better than a lot of folks in the state.

Irma T Minus 24 Hours

Due to the storm moving to come up right into Hillsborough, I relocated to my brother’s place, which is further inland.

  1. I feel better not facing the storm alone. A near miss I can deal with
    and have dealt with. This storm is something else.

  2. The cats did not like the trip over. Bucky, my big cat, rarely speaks. He cried out the entire twenty minute trip. Between that and not having eaten, I was emotionally wrecked.

  3. It’s odd leaving your home of almost fifteen years and wondering if it will be there on Monday.

  4. Best guess is we’ll lose power sometime tomorrow evening. Yay for Chem lights, flashlights, portable chargers, and lots of batteries.

Irma T Minus 36 Hours

  1. The storm shutters have been located from where my ex-roommate hid them. Unfortunately, there’s a bunch of heavy stuff on top and they’re up in a high place. Fortunately, my adopted brother is going to come over and help me out.

  2. We cleaned all the various knickknacks and plants and things from the outside of my mom’s place. I was thinking very bad thoughts about my sister-in-law, since most of the stuff was from her nesting.

  3. Last minute food items were acquired. This included copious amounts of Coke Zero and a bag of Kit Kats. Those will be useful for Sunday night, because I really don’t expect to sleep.

  4. My brother’s belief that in my house you are never more than 18 inches from a knife was reinforced. Really, it was just a little pen knife that I keep in the entertainment center for package opening.

  5. My battery powered fan didn’t come in, which is annoying, but understandable. Fortunately, the big seven gallon jerrycans did show up late last night. Those will help reinforce my brothers’ supplies.

  6. It’s the unknown that’s really causing me issues. I just have to remember that by Monday night/Tuesday morning, I’ll have my known problems and can deal with them.

Status at T Minus 60 Hours

My preps are decent. As good as budget allowed.

Worried about the wind because I don’t have any real storm shutters.

There’s this little tiny part of my mind – I get it from my grandmother- that is screaming in terror about this monster bearing down on the state. I’m trying not to pay attention to it because: a) it’s not helping me prepare, b) there are people who are looking to me for guidance (as if that ain’t scary all on its own), and c) being frightened is just draining.

This is more confessional than anything else. Hopefully, I’ll look back on this post in a week or a year and think “It wasn’t as bad as I feared.”

Now to gird up the loins, and go put on the brave face.

DeVos Rolling Back the “Dear Colleague” Letter

Reason magazine is reporting on a copy of remarks Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos is going to give about the infamous “Dear Colleague” letter that sent college campuses on rape witch hunts.

Here’s my issue: Why are college administrators conducting trials on rape allegations? There is no jurisdiction in these United States where rape is not a felony. Guess what? We already have a system for investigating and trying felonies. It’s called the criminal judicial system.

Rape is an ugly crime. It’s also a messy one when it’s between friends/acquaintances, not to mention when alcohol is thrown into the mix. The presumption of innocence and the confrontational nature of trials means that real rapists are not brought to justice. That does not mean you hand it over to kangaroo courts with ridiculously low burdens of proof and rules that would bring a raised eyebrow to a dictator.


This storm has me more worried than I have about a tropical in quite a while. Of course, it’s been a bit insane around the homefront. Stores running out of supplies, gas stations out of gas, and people are going insane. I’ve been letting my prepper side run a bit wild.