I’m going to deviate a bit from my normal flow due to the Rahimi ruling.
Here’s the Advisory Opinions podcast.
My two cents? This was the court walking back/modifying Text, History, Tradition because it didn’t like how it was shaking out in the lower courts. This also reinforces my thesis in last week’s post.
Now back to our normal programming, staring with our mix of Reason posts I found interesting.
ATF agents cleared in killing of a director of an executive airport. This one is being followed pretty heavily in the RKBA circles.
The US military was spreading anti-vax propaganda in China.
A man is suing Marion County SO for arresting him because he was filming them.
Florida’s loosened it’s labor laws for teens. It sounds kind of like taking them back to where they were when I was a manager at Mickey D’s.
Now on to other stories.
Another story from The Reload – this time about a Ukranian pushing for a version of the Second Amendment for his country. There’s also a bit in the article about how Miami PD held a gun buyback with the guns being sent to Ukraine. Honestly, if an org I trusted was collecting some guns to send over there, I might shake loose a couple.
From The Hill, comes a perfect example of kabuki theater around a real issue. I think the draft is against the Thirteenth Amendment. If you can’t get people to volunteer, then maybe it isn’t the existential threat you purport.
From TechCrunch, the US bans the sale of Kaspersky antivirus software due to security concerns over Russia.
Local news story about new Florida law prohibiting HOA’s from banning the parking of work trucks. This is a big bone of contention around here. With so many new developments, the HOA’s are still controlled by the builders – who are less than flexible about anything that doesn’t meet their esthetic.
From Ars Technica, a thinkpiece on if the USAF looking for a replacement for the F-16 means the F-35 program is a failure.
Finally, we end on a sad note. Miguel is shuttering GunFreeZone. When Miguel was still in Florida and running the blog, this was a go-to for the best information on Florida gun legislation. I’ll be honest, I stopped reading after Miguel left because JKB just rubbed me the wrong way. While I’m sort of unsurprised that he went too far, I’m sorry to see the blog go away. H/t John Richardson.
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