It’s been less than twenty-four hours and already the race card is being flung at Republican Ron DeSantis like it was a shuriken. This is the kind of petty fauxrage bullshit that makes me kind of want to burn it all down. Andrew Gillum is being touted as the first black candidate for governor from one of the major parties. That’s a major accomplishment, but this kind of ridiculousness makes his candidacy look weak.

To be honest, I’m not particularly thrilled with either candidate. Both seem to be heavily courting the populist wings of their respective parties. Of course, that may be simply be pandering to their bases, which have swung wildly to the populist in the last few years.

In the end, I’ll most likely be pulling the lever for DeSantis due to the issue of guns. Gillum is very publicly anti-gun, and I can see him using the executive power of the governor to limit my rights in whatever way he think he can get away with.